Untitled Drawings
  • 2d art

decorative header image
Cropped from an original drawing by Madeline Howland
from Volume II Issue 1 · Fall 2015
Drawing: Madeline Howland

Drawing: Madeline Howland

Drawing: Madeline Howland

Drawing: Madeline Howland

Drawing: Madeline Howland

Drawing: Madeline Howland

About Artist Madeline Howland
Portrait image of artist Madeline Howland.
Photo courtesy of Madeline Howland
Madeline Howland, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a senior at Grinnell College, where she is majoring in biology. Her favorite place is Quetico Provincial Park in Canada, with its tall white pines and myriad of tiny islands. During her time in Grinnell, she has also come to appreciate the prairie and the evocative power of its negative space. She does simple graphite drawings to capture the expressive way that goldenrod, coneflowers and black-eyed Susans reach toward the sky.