Roots Talk! Episode 2
A Podcast Interview with Cornelia Mutel
  • podcast
  • interview

decorative header image from Volume IV Issue 1 · Fall 2017

For the Fall 2017 podcast, Rootstalk editors Marie Kolaric and Sonia Chulaki, assisted by audio producer Noah Herbin, interviewed Cornelia Mutel, a Senior Science Writer at the University of Iowa’s Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research—Hydroscience and Engineering. Mutel has written and lectured extensively on Midwestern natural history and environmental issues. Her books include The Emerald Horizon: The History of Nature in Iowa, Fragile Giants: A Natural History of the Loess Hills, and The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook for Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands. Rootstalk featured her essay, “The Stories We Live by: Writing Climate Change,” in Volume II, Issue 1, and Liz Queathem reviewed Mutel’s most recent book, A Sugar Creek Chronicle: Observing Climate Change from a Midwestern Woodland (University of Iowa Press, 2016) in Volume III, Issue 1.

“New Stream,” Acrylic on canvas, 5'x 7', by Thomas Agran, 2016

“New Stream,” Acrylic on canvas, 5’x 7’, by Thomas Agran, 2016

To hear an audio recording of this issue’s podcast, click the audio link, below. Rootstalk leaf-bug icon marking the end of the article's text.

Podcast Episode 2

Interviewer: Marie Kolaric

Interviewer: Sonia Chulaki

Audio Producer: Noah Herbin

Interviewee: Cornelia Mutel