Editorial Staff
  • editor’s note

decorative header image from Volume IX Issue 1 · Spring 2023
The editorial staff for the Spring 2023 issue of Rootstalk in front of Herrick Chapel at Grinnell College. First row, from left to right: Associate Editors Saul Chan Htoo Sang, Ky Klassen, Francisco Pantoja Martinez, Joanie Fieser. Back row, from left to right: Associate Editors Lucien Akira DeJule and Emma Walsh, Editor-in-chief Mark Baechtel, Publisher Jon Andelson, Associate editors Zach Spindler-Krage, Will Gresham, and Marty Allen. Photo courtesy by Saul Chan Htoo Sang

The editorial staff for the Spring 2023 issue of Rootstalk in front of Herrick Chapel at Grinnell College. First row, from left to right: Associate Editors Saul Chan Htoo Sang, Ky Klassen, Francisco Pantoja Martinez, Joanie Fieser. Back row, from left to right: Associate Editors Lucien Akira DeJule and Emma Walsh, Editor-in-chief Mark Baechtel, Publisher Jon Andelson, Associate editors Zach Spindler-Krage, Will Gresham, and Marty Allen. Photo courtesy by Saul Chan Htoo Sang