Roots Talk! Episode #6
A Podcast Interview with Heather Swan
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  • interview

decorative header image from Volume V Issue 2 · Spring 2019

In the sixth RootsTalk! Podcast, audio producer Maya Dru interviews Heather Swan, author of Where Honeybees Thrive: Stories from the Field concerning her love for pollinators. Her nonfiction has appeared in places like Aeon, ISLE, Belt Magazine, Minding Nature, About Place and Resilience Magazine. Her chapbook The Edge of Damage was published by Parallel Press. She teaches writing and environmental literature at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

To hear an audio recording of this issue’s podcast use the link at the bottom of the web page to download the fully interactive PDF of Episode 6 of RootsTalk!, then click the audio link like the one above. Rootstalk leaf-bug icon marking the end of the article's text.

Interviewee: Heather Swan

Portrait image of interviewee Heather Swan.
Photo courtesy of Heather Swan