In My Kansas Pasture
  • poetry

decorative header image from Volume VIII Issue 1 · Spring 2022

That fall, as the pasture grass grew thin,
I climbed to the hay mow and threw down the bales.
My husband knew then he was on his last fall-
No doubt he was already thinking of sales!

Our prairie may not have beautiful rocks
But it serves very well for our cows.
Every year, though, came decisions to make:
Keep the cattle or just the two sows?

More often than not the thin little stream
Had dried up before September.
But that year the weather left the pond intact
And one scene I’II always remember.

Two big blue herons lived not far away;
Our safe little pond was nearby.
So they brought their youngster to our waterhole
To teach it to swim! It could fly! Rootstalk leaf-bug icon marking the end of the article's text.

About Poet Pasha Buck
Portrait image of Poet Pasha Buck.
Pasha Buck began her career teaching at the University of Kansas in her last two years in her native state, helped start and taught at the Westmoreland County Community College in western Pennsylvania a dozen years later, and has spent nearly all her 88 years working in the garden and writing short stories, articles, poems, and books. “One of the Stories” demonstrates her love for the Flint Hills. One project, while she was directing a program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was a photo-documentary, Farmers Feed The World: A Tribute To Women In Agriculture, copies of which are literally all over the world, especially used by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Africa. Pasha now lives in Grinnell, Iowa, in the Mayflower Community, with her husband John. Her short-story, “One of the Stories,” appeared in Volume VI, Issue 1 (Spring 2020) of Rootstalk.