The Sport of Rolle Bolle
  • video
  • essay

decorative header image from Volume X Issue 1 · Spring 2024

When Associate Editor Mary Ann Schwindt’s Belgian forebears immigrated to the Midwest, they brought Rolle Bolle with them. The sport—sort of an amalgam of curling and horseshoes, played with a lopsided cross between a discus and bocce ball—still brings families like hers together for friendly competition. Her film takes us inside the Rolle Bolle subculture.Rootstalk leaf-bug icon marking the end of the article's text.


About Author Mary Ann Schwindt
Portrait image of author Mary Ann Schwindt.
Photo courtesy of Mary Ann Schwindt.
Mary Ann Barbara Schwindt ‘24 is a fourth-year Anthropology student at Grinnell College originally from Des Moines, Iowa. She loves libraries, museums, video games, and music. Mary Ann enjoys learning about people who are usually left out of culture’s narrative. She has written about an array of things, from Adoptive Collective Memory to Liveaboards on the London Canal.