Visions for Iowa
  • podcast

Visions for Iowa is a podcast episode that reflects on the future of Iowa’s land use as envisioned by several Iowans. Stay tuned for more episodes from this series this summer, 2024.

decorative header image from Volume X Issue 1 · Spring 2024

This podcast reflects on the future of Iowa’s land use as envisioned by several Iowans. It will be the beginning of the final episode in a podcast series called “The Prairie Toolkit.” Drawing from personal stories from a variety of stakeholders in the Midwest, the Prairie Toolkit aims to provide an introductory overview of the forces that have shaped, are shaping, and will shape land use in Iowa through a mini-podcast series with accompanying online resources. Stay tuned for more episodes this summer, 2024.Rootstalk leaf-bug icon marking the end of the article's text.

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About Author Haileigh (Leigh) Steffen
Photograph courtesy of Haileigh Steffen.

Photograph courtesy of Haileigh Steffen.

Haileigh (Leigh) Steffen is a second-year student at Grinnell College, where she is pursuing an Independent Major (Environmental Design) and a Film & Media Studies Concentration. In her free time, you can catch Haileigh drawing strange cartoons, watching scary movies, biking in poor conditions, and forgetting to water her (somehow alive) plants. After college, Haileigh hopes to go into urban planning, conservation, or landscape design to create functional, beautiful, and equitable public spaces.